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Resource Page:Editing

*ignore this cover* I should've done a serious edit for this sorry

Okay editing was hard for me at first but it's important to watch tutorials speed edits and to practice on your own.

I like to describe myself as a lazy editor since I tend to leave my mistakes, it's usually not on purpose but it is what it its sometimes lol. I use Photoshop to edit there are ways to get this program easily just do a quick YouTube search on how.


TIP:  download reshade if you'd like to cut your editing time short.
also I am not sure what version of reshade to use... Personally I use the latest version cause that's what I was redirected to on their site but I heard the older versions are better. There is a way to get the older version which is included in the link below.

high quality screenshot tutorial that helped me

I extremely recommend using SRWE which is a program that helps you make your quality way better if your moniter is small and sick of tumblr ruining the quality of your pictures.


My settings are usually set really high since my laptop isn't very good, but it can get slow sometimes so use what works for you.

the best editing tips for beginners would be to learn how to add shading and highlights which there are over 10+ different ways to do it

which is covered in this tutorial by intramoon if you use Photoshop

if you use gimp watch this tutorial by KotJ.

Resource Page:Editing Resource Page:Editing Reviewed by MANDYMAYARI on July 02, 2019 Rating: 5
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